Five Minutes About Love....

Okay, here I am, talking about Love for 5 minutes, because Love is such a great topic to talk about!
I mean, who spends 5 minutes talking about Love?
I am.
I am.
And that’s a wonderful thing for everybody to talk about Love.
Just for 5 minutes, talk about Love and see what happens in your life when you are giving homage to Life, to Love.
Because Life is Love and homage.
You know, being at home, right here right now because what’s animating us right here, right now IS Love – paying tribute to That.
Love is creating this vibration of who I am right here like this and who you are right here like this as you read this.
Love is actively creating this vibration of these particular atoms that appear here in form like this, the atoms that make up this Canela Michelle and this ‘you’…like this.
You know, Rumi’s poem ‘Like This’, just like this.
You cannot be more than this.
You cannot be less than this.
All you can be is this, as you are.
So, all of the ideas of: ‘more than’ or ‘less than’, don’t really work except for in the way of allowing expansion of who you are in each moment.
It’s an invitation to settling into home, settling in with love, and then that can bring this expansion.  
It is a natural side effect really, because you deepen into what is already here.
And when you deepen into what is here, it (Love) naturally gives even more of this, gives you even more space to be here exactly as you are – no more, no less than this, except for the whole movement of who you are is expanding.  It might not make mind-sense, however it can be experienced.
This is where the appearance of ‘more’ comes from.
It’s not really more of you because you’ve always been here, but there’s more that you are conscious of, more that you are aware of.
And then that gets animated, empowered by consciousness.
Being Conscious of its own Self – isn’t that great?
It’s totally different than working at something.
It’s totally different than: ‘I got to get this’… you know?
There’s nothing to ‘get’.
There’s more to be Aware of, to relax open to…because it  IS all Love speaking itself… Yes!
You know, it’s exactly like this: 
Like when you are walking in the woods and then you notice the sounds all around you, you open to the sounds.  It seems like the sounds become bigger, it seems like they become more accurate and more available to you.
It’s not that the volume goes up, it’s that you’re being more aware of the sounds and that creates a natural expansion of those sounds.  Try it out for yourself…

It’s exactly the same thing as you sit more and more with this that you are in total fullness – not just looking for Stillness, or looking for the Silence…those are very supportive yes, that’s Love itself too.  That’s what’s animating this that we are.
It’s so wonderful to hear that and to rest in that. 
There’s also this expression of existence that you are, as a human being like this, just like this, no more, no less than this.
As you open to how you are in the actual moment you are in, you are always in the same moment.
Where else can you be?
You can’t be anywhere else.
You can hear thoughts of being some other place, or as if some place in the past.
Memories come in, but they’re coming into this moment, the one that you are in.
They cannot be anywhere else.
So where is the past?
Where is the future?
Right Here.  They are ideas and ideas are form, they are containers for energy.
…ah, another topic…perfect for Satsang on Zoom on Oct. 29th – “Transform the Details & Awaken”…welcome, welcome….
There’s so much to share and I love sharing it with you.
Please do feel free to also share this with anyone you would like.
Love loves to share itSelf… 
In gratitude,
With love,
Canela Michelle