More Than the Hope of Joy

Opening my heart to write to you all now...what a joy to write about joy!

Joy is like that: if you look at it, study it, muse about it, and or consider it, it will magnify. It will come forward towards you to Be With you. What a motive I have, to support you to experience joy...more joy, some joy, any scrap of that...yes!

We are not looking at the hope of joy. Hope sort of holds whatever it is that is 'hoped for' away from you as if it isn't here now. Joy is closer than that and much more simple.
Joy can be described newly in multitudes of ways, we all know when we feel joy. To describe it we just say 'joy' and we all know what that is.

Feeling gratitude, is a kind of joy. Love is another kind of joy. Wonder, yes, clearly a beautiful joy. Contentment...ah yes, a beautiful joy. Recognizing beauty, or feeling beauty is a joy too. Feeling connected to others, yes joy...feeling connected to all that are close to me. Feeling connected to the Universe is another joy.

A joy.

It is a joy to write to you all speaking about joy. Of course there is a smile on my face and in my heart as these words spill out....yes!

When you look to see, what is 'joy' to you? When have you used that word? When have you felt it? If you have felt joy ever, you could feel it now...perhaps especially with the support of these words? As soon as you remember a joyful experience, it becomes part of Now, right here with you. It’s perfectly fine to do so consciously in response to my suggestion - just now, to let yourself feel joy by remembering joyful moments.

Joy seems to me to be a sort of glow that fills me. Always, always, it is found here now, in the very moment of considering it...of remembering That. Joy is found right here at home with you.

This Satsang Invitation email, is, as always ,meant as a support to you to remember what you already know. A reminder to sit down with aspects of yourSelf that you know. Let me know about your experiencing of joy!

Satsang is a space to stop and fall in With the moment, to let go of all that has happened, all that is supposed to happen, and Be Home with yourSelf exactly as you are. In that space, joy has space to be known. If there is something else that is seemingly most present that makes it harder to 'hear' or feel the joy, then we can explore that.
It is a space, the Satsang space, to come Home to yourSelf and start fresh and new again...lighter than you were before. Of course this is what Love would have for you!! And I agree with Love.
with love,


1.  From Rape to Freedom - A Nondual & Loving Approach to Healing Inside & Out' 
This highly Inspirational & Victorious true story is available on Amazon in your country.  It is less about the violence of what happened and more about how any violence or shock can be transformed, as well as more of how life plays out as energy - it is a highly intricate book including the basics to the sublime.  
Thank you to those of you who have purchased it already!! 
Please remember to review it on Amazon...thank you so much! 
More info here:

2.  Join us for the next Zoom Satsang on June 26th 2022 - Starting at: 10am PST, 12pm CST, 1pm EST, 6pm Uk & Ireland, 7pm Czech Rep./Germany. 
'The Home of Joy"
Right here, right now:  Joy rests here.  Come and taste that even more deeply, let it settle into all that appears here as 'you'.
For more info and to register, go here:

3.  The next sets of Small Group Satsang Series:
"Expanding Love"
– Tuesdays – Starting at 5:30pm PST, 7:30pm CST, 8:30pm EST
 June 28th, July 5th, 19th & 26th (dates somewhat adjustable).
– Thursdays – Starting at: 10am PST, 12pm CST, 1pm EST, 6pm Uk & Ireland,7pm Czech Rep./Germany. July 21st & 28th, Aug. 4th & 11th
These are 2hr Satsang meetings via zoom, once per week, for four weeks.  Minimum of 4 people per group, Maximum of 8 people per group.
Find out how to register here:

4.  The "Who You Are" Meditation and Toning audio available now by donation! 
9.31 minutes
More info here:

5. The English & Spanish versions of "Right Here, Right Now Meditations - Satsang Invitations for Expanding Awareness" are available in E-Book and Paperback on Amazon.
Check it out on your local Amazon by putting a search in for 'Canela Michelle' - you will find all versions. (The Newest Edition is with the fuchsia coloured cover).
This is a GREAT gift for supporting Presence, Ease, Grace, Peace, and Aliveness!

6.  Canela Michelle's YouTube Channel is full of activity!
More new videos are being created & launched!  Check them out (let them support you) and subscribe while you are there.  Please share the love and share, like, comment... yes yes yes!
(remember to click the bell to be notified for new releases once you subscribe):  Here’s the link:

7. Zoom/Skype/Phone/and In-Person Private Satsang Sessions are available for Individuals, for Couples, and for Family members,
Consider a Private Satsang session to support yourself in/with whatever is going on - where is the Love in it? 

Satsang sessions with Canela Michelle are always about Awakening, Realization, Embodiment, Connection, Solving Mysteries and a Deep Embrace of this Person (YourSelf) that you show up to Be.

8.  Satsang Immersion is available in White Rock, BC, Canada. Private On-Going Satsang for Individuals or Couples for 3 days, 5 days, or a week - Sourcing the nooks and crannies of Self and welcoming them Home, as well as supporting a deeper 'seatedness' of Being Awake in each moment.  Transform how you experience life.
More info here:

9.  As you know, Canela Michelle goes where she is invited...consider inviting her to offer Satsang in your part of the world! Contact her by clicking 'reply' to this email. Currently there is some interest in her going to Alberta and Connecticut.  Check out her YouTube channel (link above) for new releases of Satsang with Canela.

Right Here, Right Now, exactly where you always are.

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